

Learn about data breaches and some tips to help keep your information secure from cyber-thieves.

数据泄露似乎正在发生 越来越频繁, with data thieves targeting both small companies and global giants. Data thieves are always on the lookout — and it's a good idea to be prepared. Here is some information that might help you protect yourself from data breaches.


A data breach is a security incident that causes data to be stolen or exposed to unauthorized parties. 有时这可能是无意的. And other times it is intentional by hackers wanting to steal personal information to be used for crimes like 身份欺诈. Data breaches can happen in many places including large corporations and small businesses, 对个人来说也是如此.


Data hacking is usually referred to as an intentional act w在这里 a hacker gains unauthorized entry into computers, 智能手机, 服务器或网络. 这两种情况都可能发生 个人 和公司. 在这种情况下, 恶意软件和勒索软件可以安装在系统中, 敏感信息可能被盗或泄露, 这也可能导致 身份盗窃.


Technology seems to offer the promise of keeping us safer — so what can lead to hacks? 这是一个复杂的问题,包括:

  • 多个入口. People 和公司 access data from multiple places, including desktop computers, 手机和平板电脑. 这些都是黑客的潜在切入点, making it more difficult to protect against a data breach.
  • 大量的恶意活动. 在2022年,有 / 5.50亿次恶意软件攻击 在世界范围内. With such high volume, it makes it difficult to guard against every new threat.


是否有数据泄露的报告, consider following these tips to help keep your information secure:

  • 创建复杂的密码. 为每个帐户使用不同的密码,以及 更改密码 if a company you've recently interacted with gets hacked.
  • 可用时使用多因素身份验证. This allows access only after two or more pieces of evidence are presented — usually a password and a code that is sent to the user by phone, 登录时发送文本或电子邮件.
  • 用信用卡购物. 你的责任可能会少一些 欺诈性信用卡收费, but you could be responsible for more than $500 in charges if your 借记卡账户被黑.
  • 谨防欺诈. 如果您收到有关数据泄露的通知, 打电话给公司确认它是合法的, using a number you know to be valid rather than a number that may be listed on the notice.
  • 防范身份盗窃. 根据 CNET在美国,83%的人.S. data breaches in 2021 involved exposure of sensitive personal information. 如果你成为身份盗窃的受害者, contact each credit card company to set up fraud alerts and freeze your accounts. Then get in touch with your local Social 安全 office for next steps.
  • 设置帐户提醒. You may be able to receive notifications of suspicious purchases or those that exceed a certain dollar amount. 这可能会提醒你,你已经被黑客入侵了.
  • 更新软件. Consider doing regular updates to software (including antivirus) on your phone, 平板电脑, 路由器和其他设备. The latest software versions offer security patches and protection that may help you prevent cyberattacks and possible data breaches.

Cyber Event, Identity Restoration and 欺诈 Loss Coverage from 状态 Farm® can help if you are the victim of a covered case of fraud or experience an increased risk event, 或者是隐蔽网络攻击的受害者. 这类保单可能包括:

  • 网络攻击覆盖率
  • 网络勒索覆盖范围
  • 身份恢复,包括案件管理服务
  • 或有信用监测
  • 欺诈损失pp王者电子官网

If you are interested in learning more about this coverage or have any questions about 房主 or 汽车pp王者电子官网,请考虑联系 州立农场代理 的信息.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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Ideas to minimize your online footprint and safeguard your data from cyber thieves.